My best friend Andrea gave me the book Helgoland by Carlo Rovelli for Christmas. I finished it in a few days. In my school years, physics has always been my kryptonite. Now, I'm incredibly intrigued by it. In particular by quantum mechanics.
But this post is not about physics or quantum mechanics. I don't know enough to write about it.
However, an idea or a perspective in Rovelli's book triggered a lot of thinking in me.
He writes, "If […] the world is better described in terms of relations, if nothing has intrinsic properties except in relation to other things, perhaps in this physics we can better find elements able to combine […] to be the basis of […] consciousness."
I get from this that we exist only in relation to other things.
This idea came back yesterday after an inspiring conversation with my friend and fellow pilgrim, Davide. We talk about relationships and how choosing the people we surround us with determines our growth.
Every external relationship connects with something within us. Not only connect. It feeds that part of ourselves. So, by choosing who we spend our time with, we also choose which parts of ourselves we want to nurture and develop.
I wrote a while ago that we need others to see ourselves fully. But yesterday, I realised that there is more than just seeing ourselves. We need others also to become ourselves.
What parts of yourself are the relationships in your life nurturing and developing?