Mental clutter can be even worse than having no ideas at all. Sometimes, there's so much going on in my head that it paralyzes me. The more I try to find my way through, the more I get lost between broken memories, half ideas, fragments of images, and uncompleted sentences. It's almost suffocating.
When I have no ideas, I also feel lost, but at the same time, I have empty space that I can fill from the outside. I can turn my attention outward to find seeds from which I can build.
When I'm stuck under the clutter in my mind, though, it's a whole different experience. I can't reach out because I have no space to welcome anything more. Any effort to tidy things up only adds to the chaos.
Eventually, I realized that struggling against the mental storm only strengthens it.
So, I sit, and I wait.
Chaos has its own way of carrying some truth. But it requires silence, patience, and stillness. I must let it be until it will be ready to settle and show me the path.
Like with a snow globe with its snow swirling around, I must wait for the dust to settle so I can see through.
What about you? When your mind becomes a snow globe of swirling thoughts, what do you do to find clarity? Do you have rituals that help the mental dust settle, or do you simply ride out the storm? I'd love to hear your strategies for finding your way through the clutter.