#1312 - The Magic Finger

Do you feel a little knot in your stomach? Maybe you're not so proud of yourself today, or you hear that little voice inside your head whispering about your shortcomings.
Then you should definitely try using the Magic Finger.
It's an effortless yet effective technique.
I used it so many times, and it never failed me.
Just be aware it can be addictive.
This is how it works.
Whenever you are unhappy with yourself, feel a bit under pressure or don't feel on top of your game, just point your finger towards someone or something and then judge and blame them for whatever.
Try it.
Just pick someone or something.
Luckily for us, this universe has no shortage of people or things to judge.
It can be someone or something close to you, like your boss, your mayor, the guy next door, a relative, the driver in front of you, the one making noise in the library, or a homeless person under the arcades. Or you can go for the big things like your government, some unfriendly nation, a rich and powerful guy somewhere, or a culture. Even god or the universe.
The options are endless.
And they all work perfectly.
So you can use this technique as much as you like.
As long as you distract your attention from yourself, you're fine.
See, I just did it, and I already feel better.
I only had to point my finger at those pointing fingers to feel better.
I told you, it is addictive.